Even though you may be very knowledgeable in your field, it's normal for the other side to have a need and not know which profile or position is the right one. ?
Our Artificial Intelligence ? recommends positions for a project. You don't have to worry if clients don't know what position they need because we do, and our AI does even more! ?
When a client provides the project briefing, explaining their needs and goals, our AI creates a proposal for the ideal team and positions. ??
Furthermore, the client can edit these profile proposals to provide more details or add a position that our AI may have overlooked. This way, our AI keeps on learning! YASSSSS ??
The client will fill in all their needs for the positions, and once the project is published, voilà! If all the position's data matches your profile characteristics, you'll have a very high match percentage, allowing them to see that you fit the project and invite you to apply (they can only invite 3 people; we don't want spammers on our platform!). ??
If you're not invited to apply, no worries! We'll send you information by email (if you have our communications enabled) so you can access the project, check it out, and apply if you're interested. ??
Before applying, you can check if there are any skills or requirements from the client that are not included in your profile. If you wish to add them, you can edit it before applying (this will increase your match percentage even more). ??
And there you have it! It's that simple to connect and start the process. Get ready to seize new opportunities! ??